Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Update numero dos!

Okay people. I know. I've been slacking. But I've been super busy with moving out and moving back home and going back to work and getting my wisdom teeth out that I haven't found the time and money to do all this. But I'm gonna try and come back on Monday once I'm healed from this "surgery." Anyway, I think I've figured out how I'm finally going to do all of this. Here's what I'm thinking for the weekly line-up:

Monday - "Look What I Made Monday" - I make something crafty.
Tuesday - "Beauty Tutorial Tuesday" - I show you either a makeup or hair tutorial.
Wednesday - "Whatever I Freaking Want Wednesday" - Free day for something that doesn't fit in the category.
Thursday - "Thrifty Thursday" - I show you a secret trick or product that I like that's cheap.
Friday - "Fashion Faux Pas Friday" - You get to hear me rant about something trending or something that I have seen that I hate.

These may or may not end up changing but I am a fan of these! I'm going to try to post more things for those of you who read this. Or stumble upon it one day. Or follow me on pinterest, twitter or are facebook friends with me. That's all I have to say! If you want to see anything in particular for me to do, let me know! Bye Bye Bye!
