Tuesday, April 24, 2012

So just an update for everyone! First off, I shot a video of the stuff I got from Spree finally. Only issue is I have no idea how to upload it. So, once I figure it out, it'll be up and ready to go! Secondly, (is that even a word???), I am going to TRY (we'll see if i actually do it) to start uploading stuff everyday day Mon-Fri with a different theme. I'm in the works so far with what each day will be but I know Mondays will probably "Man, look what I made! Monday" and Fridays will be "Fashion Faux Pau Friday" ... I have no idea if I spelled that right. But you get the picture. One of the other things I wanna do is the a Challenge day. That'll be like someone tells me to do something and I try and do it. You know. Like a challenge. Hahahaha. But the first few I do are gonna be the challenges from Beauty Blogger Boot Camp with Elle and Blair Fowler. You should watch it! Some people hate it but I like it! It's on youtube. But each week the contestants have a challenge so I'm gonna do them. I think that'll be on Tuesday's. And I'll call it... "Challenge Accepted! Tuesday." I like that. Get some How I Met Your Mother going in that one. I'm not sure what to do on Wednesday or Thursday so if anyone has any ideas let me know! That's all for now! Bye bye bye!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Nautical Nails

Hey Hey Hey! SO I saw these nails on Pinterest and thought I'd give it a go and see if I could recreate this with what I have in my room. It worked so I'm gonna teach y'all how to get some nautical type nails like these!
based off of nails by lifeinthepreppylane.
  1. Start off with your basic base coat to protect those nails! I use my base coat from Ulta.
  2. Now that your nails look exactly the same, it's time to move on the the next step
  3. Find a white nail polish, preferably not the one that I have from the third grade that's a weird consistency.
  4. Apply two coats to each nail
  5. This is the most difficult part but it's not that bad. Get a piece of Scotch tape and cut it into skinny strands. (The make strands different widths. The smaller the nail, the skinnier the tape should be.
  6. In possibly the most awkward looking way, place the tape in vertical stripes making sure to leave some space between each piece.
  7. Next, pick a shade of blue or blue/green. I didn't have the exact color I wanted but this nail polish I got from Forever 21 will do.
  8. Put two coats on each nail of that nail polish. 
  9. Pull the tape off as soon as you are done painting over each nail. the more dry it gets, the more holes you'll have to fill in from where the tape took off nail polish.
  10. After touching up your nails, grab either a black nail pen or black nail polish and a tooth pick (that's what I used to use before I got this pen from Charlotte Russe). 
  11. Draw (to the best of your ability) an anchor on one of your big toes.
  12. You can do any design you want on a different toe. I did a compass on my "ring toe".
  13. Finish it all off with a top coat (mine's from Sally Hansen).

Tah Dah! The finishing product!
Alright! So, try this out! You'll feel like an artist! More posts to come! Bye Bye Bye!