Monday, February 27, 2012

Men's Fashion (or lack there of...)

So. This is for all you men out there. But girls, I guarantee you'll be reading this and be like, "Yeah! What's their deal?!" Guys these days (atleast the one's around my age) do not dress right. Not all of them look bad, but since a lot of their mothers did shopping for them in their younger days, many of them just have no clue now and they just look awkward. So let's just get some things clear for them on what women like, what we don't and the importance of having what my friends and I call a good "Pant-Shoe Combo."

First off, all women have different tastes, but I think there's some things we all can agree on...
  1. We all like button ups with the sleeves rolled up. Why? I don't know. But just do it.
  2. We like hair that is soft and/or has movement. Aka no gel, please!
  3. You must smell good. (Shout out to the bf! He always smells fantastic!)
  4. No extreme skinny jeans! Straight kinda skinny ones are okay. (My friend Jake has the best jeans)
  5. ZZ top said it right. We are all crazy for a sharp dressed man. All of us.
Now, us girls have different preferences for what men should wear. For instance, my roommate likes punkier guys that wear like converse and such. Some people like sporty guys. Or preppy guys. Or hipsters. The point is, you should look good regardless. Cause, as much as I hate to say it, we are kinda judgy. Not as bad as guys are to us, but still.

So let's get to the most important thing a guy needs. A great pant-shoe combo. Here's an example of what a bad pant-shoe combo would look like:
Courtesy of
Now look at this shoe... It's terrible. Yet, I see it all the time! You're not going hiking. You're going to a party... Come on, people!

Courtesy of
Now here's a normal guy's gym shoe. It's not bad. For the gym! Please don't where them out. I think bad shoes are worse then bad jeans. They are way more noticable.

Courtesy of
Fricken baggy pants. Just stop. Guy butt is weird. I dont need to see it. And the shoes are bad too! Just to top it off.

Courtesy of

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Hey people! So, here's my outfit of the day! I thought it might have been more successful, but I didn't really see anyone today... The only person who said something was my Broadcasting teacher, Laura, who just pointed out that I was wearing shorts. It was a rough day... haha. Anywho, Let's take a look, shall we!?

Here she comes to wreck the day!!! :) just kidding. So here's the outfit. I think its kinda cute/casual. And the shorts kinda play down the whole "hey! here are my legs" ordeal. Since its winter and I am revealing some leg, I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt and a scarf to keep me warm. Let's go to the breakdown!
Okay, as you can see, I like messing around on picnik and this was no exception! The scarf is most likely from Forever 21. I really don't remember. Also, shockingly, everything I'm wearing in this picture is originally mine! That rarely happens. Anyway, The shirt is from Target and its actually... A PAJAMA SHIRT! What?! That shit cray, I know. The shorts are pleated and green and from Hollister. I bought them so long ago when it was cool to wear Hollister and I was too poor so I had like 3 things from there haha.
Here's the pattern of the tights close up. I believe the pattern is herringbone. I like these cause they're kinda pacific northwest-ish which I am very into right now. These are from Forever 21 too, I believe.

Here's an awkward close up of my ear! Isn't it awkward? But all the earrings are from Icing.

This watch is from Target. I don't really like it haha. I like the face of it but I feel like it's too country bumpkin for my liking. There's like flowers on it and stuff. But, hey, I felt like it worked with the outfit. I don't have a picture of my shoes, but I'm just wearing my Uggs. They're from Santa. haha. That's all I've got for now! Bye Bye Bye!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hey Hey Hey!

So. I wasn't sure what to put on here for today. No one is probably looking at this anyway except one person (you know who you are) and so I thought I'd just explain myself and things like that.

Let's see... I was born in Orland Hills, Illinois. I'm a sophomore at Illinois State. What I want to do with my life is design layouts for Fashion/Beauty magazines. Why? Cause that'd be so fun! Plus, it combines all the things I like: Fashion, beauty, helping people, art and well... it doesn't incorporate music. But I can listen to music while doing it! And that's good enough for me. I don't want to live in Illinois for the rest of my life because, well, it is so boring. Except Chicago. Chicago is awesome. And has excellent pizza.

Anyway, what you'll be seeing from me on here are some advice on how to be fashionable on a cheap budget, some outfits of the day (my first one will be tomorrow!), maybe some things I thought were funny and some other random stuff. Probably some DIY stuff because I'm big on that.

I might also be starting up some side projects along with this and I'll be sure to post them in here so you can see. But that's it for now! Bye bye bye!