So. This is for all you men out there. But girls, I guarantee you'll be reading this and be like, "Yeah! What's their deal?!" Guys these days (atleast the one's around my age) do not dress right. Not all of them look bad, but since a lot of their mothers did shopping for them in their younger days, many of them just have no clue now and they just look awkward. So let's just get some things clear for them on what women like, what we don't and the importance of having what my friends and I call a good "Pant-Shoe Combo."
First off, all women have different tastes, but I think there's some things we all can agree on...
- We all like button ups with the sleeves rolled up. Why? I don't know. But just do it.
- We like hair that is soft and/or has movement. Aka no gel, please!
- You must smell good. (Shout out to the bf! He always smells fantastic!)
- No extreme skinny jeans! Straight kinda skinny ones are okay. (My friend Jake has the best jeans)
- ZZ top said it right. We are all crazy for a sharp dressed man. All of us.
Now, us girls have different preferences for what men should wear. For instance, my roommate likes punkier guys that wear like converse and such. Some people like sporty guys. Or preppy guys. Or hipsters. The point is, you should look good regardless. Cause, as much as I hate to say it, we are kinda judgy. Not as bad as guys are to us, but still.
So let's get to the most important thing a guy needs. A great pant-shoe combo. Here's an example of what a bad pant-shoe combo would look like:
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Now look at this shoe... It's terrible. Yet, I see it all the time! You're not going hiking. You're going to a party... Come on, people! | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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Now here's a normal guy's gym shoe. It's not bad. For the gym! Please don't where them out. I think bad shoes are worse then bad jeans. They are way more noticable. | | |
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Fricken baggy pants. Just stop. Guy butt is weird. I dont need to see it. And the shoes are bad too! Just to top it off. |
Courtesy of
Oh my gosh. Terrible. These are very common man pants and they're so bad! Guys shouldn't wear light wash jeans unless they're ripped. That is the only way they're okay. Just cause light wash ones usually look like this! They're like mom pants. And the shoes are bad here too. |
The point is: Get some good clothes! It's not hard. If you don't know what to get, get a button up, t-shirt, some dark wash jeans and converse. It works everytime. That's all for now! Bye Bye Bye!
P.S. I almost forgot! No grandpa socks or shoes! PLEASE! :)
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