Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hey Hey Hey!

So. I wasn't sure what to put on here for today. No one is probably looking at this anyway except one person (you know who you are) and so I thought I'd just explain myself and things like that.

Let's see... I was born in Orland Hills, Illinois. I'm a sophomore at Illinois State. What I want to do with my life is design layouts for Fashion/Beauty magazines. Why? Cause that'd be so fun! Plus, it combines all the things I like: Fashion, beauty, helping people, art and well... it doesn't incorporate music. But I can listen to music while doing it! And that's good enough for me. I don't want to live in Illinois for the rest of my life because, well, it is so boring. Except Chicago. Chicago is awesome. And has excellent pizza.

Anyway, what you'll be seeing from me on here are some advice on how to be fashionable on a cheap budget, some outfits of the day (my first one will be tomorrow!), maybe some things I thought were funny and some other random stuff. Probably some DIY stuff because I'm big on that.

I might also be starting up some side projects along with this and I'll be sure to post them in here so you can see. But that's it for now! Bye bye bye!